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The Deets, Bebe

Submission periods for Limp Wrist are:

  • November 1 to January 31 - Spring Issue

  • June 1 to August 15 -  Fall Issue

  • Special Issues as announced.

  • Always open for book review queries.


Please note that as of 12/1/23, submissions for the spring issue are closed. As shared on the homepage, the editor notes that he is behind on submissions due to unforeseen delays.


Submissions of previously unpublished poems are accepted via email to Please include your name in the subject line of the email and submit the following within one MW or PDF attachment:

  • Max of six poems.

  • Bio (< 80 words).

  • Statement identifying as a LGBTQIA+/non-binary poet or an ally.

  • Social media information. (Helps us promote you!)


Email book review queries to Please include book review query in the subject line of the email.  Within the body of the email, please discuss the book(s) you are interested in reviewing and provide a sample of your review work.


Emails regarding Limp Wrist should be sent to the address identified above. Emails sent to any other email account owned by the editor or to the editor's Facebook account will be deleted without a response.  Thank you in advance for your cooperation.



Response Time

Limp Wrist aims to respond to submissions within 3 months of the reading period closure date.   Please feel free to inquire by email if you have not received a response within 3 months of the reading period closure date.



Cha Cha Heels Response

If you want us to put on our cha cha heels (AKA an expedited response), you can send $5 and we'll get back to you regarding our decision within seven business days. If we do not get back to you within seven business days then your money will be refunded. The cha cha heels review fee will help fund the cash prize for Limp Wrist's annual Glitter Bomb Award.


The cha cha heels review fee can be paid via Venmo or PayPal.




Biz Note

Limp Wrist holds first serial rights for work we publish, the right to reprint in other formats with your permission. Upon publication, all rights revert to the author. Please cite Limp Wrist if your poems are published elsewhere in the future. 



Be A Glitter Bomb, Not a Garbage Person

The editor has motley taste and aims for Limp Wrist to be a home for poetry that can be described as bold, fierce, funny, somber, reflective, sassy, political, sex positive, experimental, thought provoking, sensual, sexy, adventurous, and the list could go on.


Limp Wrist does NOT have space for work perpetuating rape culture, violence, racism, homophobia, transphobia, misogyny, sexism, xenophobia. To be clear: if you write poetry that glorifies or praises rape culture, violence, racism, homophobia, transphobia, misogyny, sexism, xenophobia then you're a garbage person. (I said what I said!) If you write poems that shine a light of truth on them or challenge, or rebuke them, please submit.


Censorship isn't Limp Wrist's style, but remember: Limp Wrist doesn't publish the work of garbage people.  




Sparkle, Neely, Sparkle

The editor appreciates a poem that....

....calls out/challenges/explores the impacts of racism.  (Read Marilyn Nelson's "How I Discovered Poetry" and "Pigeon and Hawk." Listen to "White People Always Want To Tell Me That They Grew Up Poor" by Megan Fernandes.)


...challenges xenophobia. (Witness "My Grandmother Washes Her Feet in the Sink of the Bathroom at Sears" by Mohja Kahf.)


...uses the word "fuck."  (The world needs more poems with the word "fuck"! Read "Fuck" by Nickole Brown.)

​ sensual.  (Read Adrienne Rich's "The Floating Poem, Unnumbered.")


...uses the horrors of our world to make a statement.  (See Natalie Diaz's "Why I Don’t Mention Flowers When Conversations with My Brother Reach Uncomfortable Silences.")


...uses the word "pussy" without being vulgar, misogynist, or sexist. (Hint: Cisgender men proceed with caution. Check out Diamond Forde's award winning poem, "fat girl Climaxes While Working Out at the Gym." Really. Stop now. Read it.  Then read Morgan Parker's "Hottentot Venus."  (Page 6 once you click the link.)


...makes the reader snap and say, "yes ma'am." (Aimee Nezhukumatathil's "Are All the Break-Ups in Your Poems Real?," Denise Duhamel's "Sometimes The First Boys Don't Count," Laure-Anne Bosselaar's "English Flavors," Nin Andrews's "That Bitch," and Dorianne Laux's "Cher.")



ISSN 2831-4786

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