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Seventeen and all implicit.
The newly installed internet

nods yes, yes with every site

visited, the bodies like sweets -


not ones given out as reward
or curbed for fear of cavities
but a yielding to what is stirred

with his gradually loading thighs.


Saved in a mislabeled folder

for occasional peepshows,
the picture’s eyes roam all over

the boy quietly disrobing.


He lays prone under the image,

offering himself as pillage.

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Mark Ward

Pronouns: He/His

2 Poems


I Wonder What Your Cock Tastes



I Wonder What Your Cock Tastes Like


An avalanche, an acid bath,
a courtesy telephone, a dream
in which a repressed memory comes
to light, an elegant dress, a fire
causing me to gurn, or are you getting
close, a holiday romance, idolatry,
you overconfident jackeen, you’re kryptonite,

lethargic, lambent, a molly lapping the room,
a nothingness in which I fall into, an obstruction

in your otherwise perfect body,
poetry framed by your prick,
a question I never could formulate,
a riot, a shout loosing its way out
through the throat, making space
for your ugliness that I lick up,
venous, a vacation from the world,
a woman, a xylophone struck,
a terrible awareness of us, of you coming
back to ourselves, the terror in your eyes at

what comes next, an overzealous exit.

Mark Ward (he/his) is the author of the chapbooks, Circumference (Finishing Line Press, 2018) and Carcass (Seven Kitchens Press, 2020) and a full-length collection, Nightlight (Salmon Poetry, 2022). He has recorded poems for RTÉ Radio 1’s Arena and The Poetry Programme, Lyric FM’s Poetry File and the podcast Words Lightly Spoken. He is the founding editor of Impossible Archetype, an international journal of LGBTQ+ poetry, now in its fourth year.

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