Limp Wrist initially launched the summer of 2008 and ran for two issues publishing poetry, short stories, and interviews. The initial run included work by Denise Duhamel, Brent Goodman, Paul Lisicky, David Trinidad, Dara Wier, Cecilia Woloch and others. In its short time, Limp Wrist partnered with Factory Hollow Press to establish the Limp Wrist Scholarship that was awarded to a high school senior who identified as part of the LGBTQ community. The scholarship enabled the recipient to attend, at no cost, the 2009 Juniper Institute for Young Writers.
Welcome to the resurrection of Limp Wrist!
Limp Wrist is back as an online poetry journal that will publish at least two issues per year. (We love a special issue, so don't be surprised if you see more than two issues in a year.) It's a journal with queer sensibility promoting LGBTQIA+ poets, non-binary poets, and their allies by publishing their poems and reviews of their books.
Not an ally to the LGBTQIA+ & non-binary communities? Damn. That's a poor life decision. Listen to this message.